Smells Like Sour

Eminem - Mosh

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Mike Boon

PostPosted: October 26, 2004 1:12 PM 

Watch the video.

Before it's too late.


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PostPosted: October 28, 2004 3:05 PM 

this is kind of like his "white america" video. so is he pro-kerry or just anti-bush and anti-war?


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PostPosted: October 28, 2004 7:11 PM 

It definitely comes across as more anti-Dubya than pro-Kerry, but I doubt he's voting for Nader.


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PostPosted: November 11, 2004 4:17 PM 

i know your all against bush, cause you think thats the 'cool thing' to do cause you see sum fat-ass white guy parading around sending mindless propaganda to young and impressionable teenagers. And i know that Yellowcard, Eminem and all those other Hollywood socialist fuckers think its cool to promote Kerry but here's the cool thing, Bush won, and Kerry lost, so get it over cause the worlds a lot better off with Bush in the White House rather than some poster boy for a better America that comprises of us trusting the terrorists to not hurt us, cause they always do whats right, right?


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PostPosted: November 11, 2004 4:19 PM 

i know your all against bush, cause you think thats the 'cool thing' to do cause you see sum fat-ass white guy parading around sending mindless propaganda to young and impressionable teenagers. And i know that Yellowcard, Eminem and all those other Hollywood socialist fuckers think its cool to promote Kerry but here's the cool thing, Bush won, and Kerry lost, so get it over cause the worlds a lot better off with Bush in the White House rather than some poster boy for a better America that comprises of us trusting the terrorists to not hurt us, cause they always do whats right, right? SO,Eminem sucks, he's not a talented rapper, and i didnt know it was possible, but managed to suck-ass even more by shoving senseless propaganda down our throats before an election thinking he could make a difference.


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PostPosted: November 11, 2004 8:18 PM 

Yeah, a lot of these artist are putting out an anti-Bush message, but I think they are doing it just because he is the incumbent candidate. If Kerry was President running against Bush they would criticize Kerry.

NOFX also got a lot of bands together for the "Rock Against Bush: Vol. 1 and 2." I'm wondering if they did that cause they truely felt that way, or just being angry for the sake of being cool. It seems like most artist are liberals or don't support war. I could be wrong though.

btw, I wanted Kerry to win. It's not that I think he's great and all, but Bush just put us in so much deficit. I'll probably end up paying that off when I get older in the form of very high taxes. Also, the social security issue. I don't want to have to pay for my parents shit, then when I get old there's no money left in it. Plus, Bush didn't handle the Iraq situation the right way.


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PostPosted: November 11, 2004 9:06 PM 

I thought SLS was supposed to be a rock cd though? Confused


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PostPosted: February 18, 2005 8:58 PM 

this song has touched me in a way that I have never imagined


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PostPosted: February 19, 2005 5:09 PM 

yeah on ya dick


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PostPosted: February 24, 2005 4:41 AM 

Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy sorry, eminem, bush won.


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PostPosted: February 1, 2008 1:56 PM 



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PostPosted: February 1, 2008 1:58 PM 


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