Smells Like Sour

Green Day - Minority

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PostPosted: September 16, 2003 10:16 AM 


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PostPosted: February 26, 2004 6:44 PM 

This song is really good! I heard it on

G.Y.X. Kid

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PostPosted: March 2, 2004 2:43 PM 

hey, i heard it there too- wait, you're Rank1, I knew you heard it there already.

crazy bitches

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PostPosted: March 16, 2004 5:23 AM 

for kinky green day sex call or text 07881444887 or 07746125882 we'll be sad if you dont talk to us Crying or Very Sad


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PostPosted: March 23, 2004 7:44 PM 

this is the best song in the world. minority is about being different. it is about rebelion. its a crazy song its the best song in the world


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PostPosted: March 30, 2004 7:08 PM 

I love Green Day! They're one of the best bands out there! I like basketcase and Minority. And if you're heard I Fought The Law yet, that song rox!


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Reply: 6

PostPosted: April 28, 2004 6:21 PM 

hay all u green day fans what up i love the band just as much as any of you but there old shit is da bomb like when dookie came out that was a day to be proud. It was realy funny i bought all there cd`s and when my old fried saw them he said it was prep music so i kicked his ass and said punk rox now don`t forget it email me at billabongsk8420@hotmail.comor add my on msn well stay kewl all u hardcore fans im 16/m/canada ah


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Reply: 7

PostPosted: April 28, 2004 6:22 PM 

hay all u green day fans what up i love the band just as much as any of you but there old shit is da bomb like when dookie came out that was a day to be proud. It was realy funny i bought all there cd`s and when my old fried saw them he said it was prep music so i kicked his ass and said punk rox now don`t forget it email me at billabongsk8420@hotmail.comor add my on msn well stay kewl all u hardcore fans im 16/m/canada ah


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PostPosted: April 28, 2004 6:25 PM 

Cool fuck i rote it twice ow well what the fuck who cares Twisted Evil


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PostPosted: July 31, 2004 10:59 AM 

ooooooooh! this is one of my favorites! "i wanna be a minority..." great song to hear at band camp....


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PostPosted: August 11, 2004 1:16 AM 

Oh ya I like this. Kewl punk song. Real punk, not posure punk like Good charlotte.


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Reply: 11

PostPosted: August 11, 2004 11:04 AM 

Good Charlotte is not poser punk. and if youd like to talk about then, go to a GC forum. this way, we can talk about Greenday here. and not fight about GC everywhere except where its supposed to be.


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PostPosted: December 21, 2004 7:41 AM 

hey everyone green day are one of my fav bands


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PostPosted: December 21, 2004 7:42 AM 

has anyone heard of a band called robolint


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PostPosted: December 27, 2004 3:41 PM 

iv only erd 1 of der songs "the happy stroppopotomus". twas interestin Cool


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PostPosted: January 2, 2005 8:30 AM 

Minority is a great song. And I fought the law is great too. Long live Clash and Green day!!! Have you heard Hitchin' a ride? It's one of my favorites.


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PostPosted: January 3, 2005 6:02 PM 



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PostPosted: January 3, 2005 6:03 PM 

Hey all, yeah minority kicks ass but so does Brain Stew, I love that song!!


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PostPosted: January 9, 2005 5:49 AM 

Yeah, Brain Stew is good too, I don't know why the critics for insomniac were so bad, it's OK


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PostPosted: February 28, 2005 7:02 PM 

dude, good charlotte sucks ass. green day is the best band ever, then sum 41 with their fucking 41 salute, then blink, then Goldfinger, then Pennywise, then Brand New, then NOFX, then the Killers, then Simple Plan, and then Trapt. Good Charlotte doesn't deserve to be a punk band, they're more like goths. Punks dislike, to be in kind words, the government. goths dislike everyone else or close to it. Good Charlotte sucks ass.


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PostPosted: March 13, 2005 9:55 AM 

Greenday is such a great band. Im only 10 but I hate the 10 year old pop like Hilary Duff amd Avril Lavine. My dad hates Greenday and think I should go back 2 Avril but I buy my albums with my own money and if he has a problem with that thats his problem besides Greenday is about 1000 times better then her and im hating my dad more and more by the second so why should I respect his musical wishes. Sometimes when im licsening 2 Greenday I start 2 cry because theres no more great bads like that.

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