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Posted: September 16, 2003 10:51 AM |
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Reply: 1
Posted: December 1, 2003 7:53 PM |
linkin park / limp / P.O.D eat shit and die |
Posts: 1
Reply: 2
Posted: December 15, 2003 1:16 PM |
Its cool |
Posts: 11
Reply: 3
Posted: January 7, 2004 8:28 PM |
This song is just the Best Better Then Its (Demo) It also Goes good with Vegeta's Life
Posts: 2
Reply: 4
Posted: January 27, 2004 7:39 PM |
I went to see the Linkin Park concert which just passed this weekend. POD, Hobastank and Story of the Year were their opening acts....
I still think Linkin park Rocks though! |
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Reply: 5
Posted: January 27, 2004 9:15 PM |
They suck. No talent what-so-ever. Nothing but teen-angst.
How old are you PrinceVegeta?... HAHAHAH
I'm guessing 12. |
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Reply: 6
Posted: February 7, 2004 1:01 AM |
to goatt: how could you say that??? linkin park has a very unique sound that is awesome to listen to. i have a few other things i feel like saying to you but i won't resort to that.
to krash: what's so bad about P.O.D.?
to princevegeta: wow, someone's really into dragonball z... i also wonder how old you are. though i admit you do have a point about vegeta's life. |
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Reply: 7
Posted: February 7, 2004 1:03 AM |
p.s. to michelle: at least you've got the right idea here!
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Reply: 8
Posted: February 9, 2004 8:27 AM |
Originality is nothing, it's all been done before. They just added minor details. They keep talking about teenage life, despite their age. It's rather annoying. They also play the same chord over and over and over... christ.
Yeah... DBZ is for kids. Watch better anime. |
G.Y.X. Kid
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Reply: 9
Posted: February 24, 2004 9:02 PM |
Nothing's fucking wrong with kids & fucking kid stuff & fucking dragonball Z and I fucking like fucking pokemon & linkin park is fucking good so fuck you |
Goatt & Krashs moma
Posts: 1
Reply: 10
Posted: March 3, 2004 2:23 PM |
krash/goatt : yall are gay linkin park and P.O.D. Rock so does Hoobastank ! |
G.Y.X. Kid
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Reply: 11
Posted: March 6, 2004 1:15 AM |
yup |
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Reply: 12
Posted: March 6, 2004 8:59 AM |
What the hell are you? Twelve?!?!? I mean seriously... I don't know anyone older than that who would cuss out of context in such an idiotic manner.
Linkin Park is talentless shit. They appeal to little kids because the kids are retards, and they think Linkin Park uses lots of big words. |
G.Y.X. Kid
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Reply: 13
Posted: March 9, 2004 5:42 PM |
Seriously, what's wrong w/ 12 year olds?!? Also, using words that are out of context is fine as long as you understand what I'm talking about, I don't need a grammar lesson here.
As a matter of fact, Linkin Park does not use more "big words" than any other band. I admit that they're not the best out there, but they're decent. They have alot of energy alot of the time, & repeat chords just enough to create a pleasing pattern to listen to. Maybe you don't like that sound, but Linkin Park sold over 9 million Hybrid Theorys while Napster was still giving away free music. By the way, kids were the ones who mostly got music for free. Thinking all those people who bought the album are retards because they're not like you is not a very reasonable conclusion. Don't assume like that. |
G.Y.X. Kid
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Reply: 14
Posted: March 9, 2004 6:18 PM |
Don't judge people by their age either. |
crazy bitches
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Reply: 15
Posted: March 16, 2004 5:27 AM |
if you want kinky linkin park sex then call or text 07881444887 or 07746125882
G.Y.X. Kid
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Reply: 16
Posted: March 21, 2004 8:51 PM |
WTF? ------------------ |
G.Y.X. Kid
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Reply: 17
Posted: March 21, 2004 8:53 PM |
the arrow got messed up... |
G.Y.X. Kid
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Reply: 18
Posted: March 21, 2004 8:53 PM |
the arrow got messed up... |
Posts: 1
Reply: 19
Posted: March 27, 2004 11:04 PM |
Linkin Park~*~
Hello people...WTF?Is with all the haters in this room?It really annoys me when people hate bands soo much but yet htey will take time out of there valuable life and diss them..Linkin Park is one of my top 3 fav bands, and I too admitt they are not the best out there,But there lyrics are so unique.These lyrcis they write inspire so many kids around the world,There lyrics actually relate to peoples lifes,Suicide,and other conflicts etc.
Goatt-Who cares If they talk about teenage life someone has too,So many teenagers committ suicide and they dnt want to lisen to bands like Kiss when there down they want to lisen to lyrics they can actually relate too.
Numb-"I've Become so numb,I can't feel you there,become so tired,so much more aware,Im becoming this,all i want to do,Is be more like me and be less like you" the way theres so many bands that talk about love and how there heart is broken well,Its good that there here..all I can say Is that There awesome,and I luv Linkin Park
.......and im a teenager I would know!!!! |
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Reply: 20
Posted: March 29, 2004 10:26 PM |
HEY Linkin Park kicks ass, and dbz is cool and not just for kids, only 10 year olds say stuff like shows and studd is for kids, everything is still good ya go linkin park
Goatt how old are you 5?