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Mike Boon
Posted: November 23, 2004 2:57 PM |
It's not as good as Johnny Cash's cover of this Depeche Mode tune, but it's good enough for SLS12 consideration.
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Posted: November 29, 2004 2:56 PM |
I never liked Marilyn Manson. He tries too hard to be different. I don't like the goth image in general though. That's just my opinion. |
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Posted: April 9, 2005 12:05 AM |
Even though Marilyn Manson is made out to be a total creep, and at times he is, i completely respect and almost admire him. any one that can carry on a tune and is into music and there own person, they deserve respect. Also has anyone seen bowling for columbine?? because on that movie he does says somehtings...he was very intellectual and it made me realize that this guy is a person under all of his makup and lables. He was blamed for the shootings at columbine... and Mike Moore interviewed him. He asked him what he would say to the kids that did the shootings at columbine . Manson replied... "I wouldnt say anything, I would listen, that is what hasnt been done" that explains so much and i completely agree with him... after i saw that i looked at him with a whole different view. |
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Posted: November 1, 2005 1:40 PM |
I love Manson ... if you just sit down and listen to his music it just so inspiring and just AMAZING! ... I give him my full respect and I really don't think that he has an image ... I mean yea people make him out to be someone "freak" as some people call him but he is just as normal as the next guy ... LOVE YOU MANSON!!!
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Posted: January 2, 2008 1:54 PM |
مارلين مانسون هو شخص متزمة في حياته ولا يعجبني |
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kelly clar kson
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kelly clar kson
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Posted: August 26, 2008 5:13 PM |
uiypiqsièkifyg(_y |
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Posted: June 7, 2009 1:55 AM |
وش السالفه
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Posted: April 3, 2010 12:12 PM |
لاتكفي صورة واحدة لتعبر عن الشخص بل تحتاج اكثر من صورة ...لذلك يكن ان تتكلم الصور عنا ☻ الشيطان الاكبر ♠
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Posted: April 3, 2010 12:34 PM |
يمكن ان تبعدنا بعض الاديان عنعن اشياء كثيرة وان تكون اهم شىء ولاكن الحياة التى نعيشها هل نتخلى عنها او نتخلى عن ديننا ونلقب بعبدة الشيطان ان الشيطين ارواح يمكن ان تكون بنفسها شياطين او يمكن ان يخلقها كياننالايكن ان نقول عن الاخرين انخم شياطين ونحن نملكها☻الشيطان الاكبر♥marilyn manson |
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Posted: September 9, 2011 7:20 AM |
لالالالالالالالالالالالالالالالالاحد يسبه
تراه ابرك منكم يلوصخين
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