so they played this song when they came to Grand Rapids and shot the music video for it as well. it was a such a fucking sweet ass song. i loved it. they came right up infront of me and my brother and the other people we were with, so theres a chance that im in it. sweet right? anyone else heard the song?
nah lonely day of off the hypnotize album along with roulette is the calmest SOAD song i think that hypnotize is the worst song off the album Dreaming, Tentative and Vicinity Of Obsenity are wicked. I'm so glad SOAD brought back the sort of insanity they had on their first album. Amazing..... Apparently they're on drugs, yeh PED's maybe... lol
Posts: xxx
Reply: 3
Posted: November 23, 2005 9:11 AM
naw, this is my favorite soad song yet, its slower which i like better and it has a alot of meaning like all their songs, prison song for example seems to have meaning but every verse does, oh well i really like them